Raising aspirations

Raising Aspirations 3 aimed to help secondary schools and colleges from across West Yorkshire to support disadvantaged pupils through projects that aim to raise their aspirations and increase awareness of green skills and green jobs.  

The grant process started in February 2023 with projects launched for September 2023 until summer 2024.  

As of February 2024, the project had a reach of 2498 total direct beneficiaries, 5005 total indirect beneficiaries and 357 total key influencers (teachers and parents). Highlights from the monitoring forms included: 

‘New friendship groups have formed, some students struggling with friendships have been put into new groups which has had significant benefits.’ - Brighouse school 

‘One thing that has made this project a success is many of these students have never had the opportunity to handle or use this style of equipment. Students have been amazed by the technology within the project and what it can do’ – Brooksbank school 

‘Students are demonstrating an increasing interest in saving energy and recycling. They are increasingly conscious and keen to influence both their peers and adults. They want to make a difference.’ - Honley High