Buzz Quiz

 Barn Owls 

Leader, decisive, analytical

Learn more about your animal type




Preparing for a job interview - top tips for Barn Owls


  • Barn Owls are good listeners and you are likely to appear calm and polite throughout the interview. You will listen carefully to the question and answer it concisely. Do make sure you answer fully. If you are asked for an example to demonstrate you have a skill required for the post do not give a brief and self-effacing answer. Do include all relevant facts.  


  • Practice saying some of your answers with a friend to ensure you include all the relevant details. Do maintain eye contact. Look at the interviewer regularly and imagine they are someone you respect as you can intimidate people.  


  • Barn Owls are naturally organised people and you likely to be well prepared for the interview. You will be appropriately dressed, groomed, on-time, have researched the company and the role you have applied for and have a folder containing your qualifications, certificates, and references if you have been requested to bring them along. You may have even rung up beforehand to find out how long the interview will be, how many people will be interviewing you and if there are extras like tests or group discussions. All this preparation will serve you well. Fewer surprises on the day will put you at ease and help you retain control and composure. 


  • You may need to prepare for the unexpected. Have a plan if something happens you have not thought about. Perhaps be ready to take a deep breath and reset before you continue.


  • As a naturally direct and objective person you are likely to interview well when you stick to the questions being asked and do not ‘put the world to right’ by offering your frank opinions on business inefficiency or controversial topics. Save your pearls of wisdom until you have been offered, accepted and been working for the company beyond a probationary or trial period.   


  • You are likely to describe your skills clearly but do ensure you do not sound arrogant or insensitive. Share your possible answers with a friend before the interview to ensure you get the balance right. 


Coping with change


As humans we are programmed to look out for danger and to avoid it. This helps us survive. We grow to like familiar things and prefer to avoid change. We can see change as a potential threat.  However, some change is inevitable and most change is not a threat, but we are programmed to be wary and suspicious of change which can cause stress and unhelpful patterns of thought. We have a big brain which can make us worry in a big way.  Our personality has a huge influence on our response to change. 

Does change affect you the way it does people who share your personality animal?

Barn Owls can appear resilient and focused to others


They pride themselves in being internally strong. They tend to push through challenges and learn what they can from them.

They can be excellent detached observers, like a bird of prey soaring high above problems making them both seem smaller and see potential solutions within a larger wider frame.

Your inventive and active imagination serves you well when things are changing. You have the drive and determination to keep going when others falter. But when you cannot think of answers it is important to seek help. It is not a sign of weakness.

The advice of trusted people can help you get back on track far more quickly and rediscover your independence and strength.  

Barn Owls can be creative and persuasive debaters


Be careful not to win the argument but lose friends and allies. You can be refreshingly blunt, witty, and be especially insightful about intellectual puzzles and abstract ideas. This can be endearing but can also push some people away.

Be extra careful not to alienate those closest to you; you may later benefit from their support in the future.

Barn Owls can try and do everything alone


'If you want a job doing well, do it yourself.' During changing times this can bring stress to yourself or others.

Let other people join in and share responsibility. They may not reach your high standards, but they will be more invested in helping everyone cope better with the changes.

Taking people along with you generates team-spirit and allows you to learn from other perspectives.


Job suggestions for Barn Owls based on West Yorkshire key sectors: 

Barn Owls like to create new ways to present information and ideas to support the goals of society.

Barn Owls would suit roles such as:

  • Front End developer
  • Web Developer
  • UX Designer

Barn Owls have a natural inquisitiveness and ability to produce consistent, high quality work.

Barn Owls could thrive in roles such as:

  • Quantity Surveyor
  • CAD Designer

Barn Owls can be direct and natural leaders. They generally support people with a decisive, practical and unsentimental approach.

Barn Owls would suit roles such as:

  • Social Services Manager
  • Ophthalmologist

Many Barn Owls enjoy applying their skills to monitor, make or repair.

Barn Owls would thrive in roles such as:

  • Quality Inspector
  • Utilities Technician

Naturally curious and independent Barn Owls thrive in creative careers.

Barn Owls would suit roles such as:

  • Sales Manager
  • Development Specialist